Water Well Update

Water Well Update

The second Fair Oaks-supported, solar-powered water well in The Gambia is complete and working perfectly. Over 275 women, men, and children in the village of Gui Jahanka now have access to a year-round, unlimited supply of clean water for years to come. Up until this time, the village’s sole water source was a shallow, hand dug well which was often polluted and, during the dry season, unreliable.  

This life-giving and life-changing project is positively impacting the health, education and well-being of every member of the village. It will also provide increased economic opportunities, as it will help expand small-scale agricultural production, a critical part of the local economy. This new well is a tangible and permanent demonstration of our congregation’s generosity and commitment to living its values. Fair Oaks’ sponsorship of the well was featured in a recent story in the Wednesday Journal!