

Thursday Morning Bible Study

Everyone is welcome to join this group, now is the time to jump in as we start a new book. Our weekly class meets Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:30 in the parlor or on the patio weather permitting. The Ballot and the Bible: How Scripture Has Been Used and Abused in American Politics and Where We Go from Here by Kaitlyn Scheiss (published 2023) is a fascinating and accessible tour through how the Bible has been used—for better and for worse—in American politics. A Publishers Weekly-starred review…

Summer Celebration!

Following worship on June 2, 11 am – 1 pm, join Fair Oaks to celebrate our wonderful church year! There will be a taco truck, lawn games and a bouncy house for the kids.

Book Group

One of Fair Oaks’ many adult gathering opportunities is the Book Group, which meets at 7 pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month during the program year. The group selects both fiction and non-fiction works that aspire to offer insights into our faith. This year, the group is meeting in homes to allow for more relaxed fellowship. Contact the office for host information. Copies of books are available at the main branch of the Oak Park Public Library one…

Senior Bibles

On our second Youth Sunday of the year, July 28, we will present our high school seniors with Bibles as a gift from the church as we send them out into the world. The Bibles are available in the narthex for you to add your notes of encouragement, support and challenge and highlight the words that have been meaningful and powerful to you.

Congregational Meeting

The Session of Fair Oaks has called a congregational meeting for Sun., May 19, to be held following the 10 am worship service. The primary purpose of the meeting will be to vote on the nominees to serve on the church Session, the Board of Deacons, the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee, and the Nominating Committee itself. The meeting will also include the presentation of the Annual Report as well as updates from Wendy White, moderator of the Finance Committee. 

Register for LOGOS Summer 2024!

Children entering Kindergarten through graduating 5th grade are invited to our week-long day camp at Fair Oaks, June 10-14, 8 am-5 pm. Cost is $100 per child with scholarships available. Children will bring their lunch, but snacks will be provided. Register here.

Summer Music

It’s that time of year again when we plan for summer music offerings! Our congregation has shared beautiful music all year long. We look forward to continuing this throughout the summer with your help. The summer dates run from 6/2 – 9/1 (a few dates are already scheduled). The main part of the service we’d like covered is the Offertory but the Anthem slot will be available as well. A sign-up form with available dates can be accessed here. If you’d…

FOPC Membership Directory Photos

We plan to update and publish our FOPC Membership Directory to coincide with our 100th program year!  Anette or Ed Nam will be taking family photos on Celebration Sunday (6/2) after worship.  Families can also submit their own family photo, if preferred to the office. Please make sure your family’s info is updated in Realm – as it is our ‘hub’ that organizes this information.

Update on Asylum Seekers in Oak Park

As of April 1, 2024, all 165 migrants who had been sheltered in Oak Park since October 2023 have been placed in fully-paid leases for 12 months! Beginning in February of 2024, Fair Oaks began partnering with United Lutheran Church to support a migrant family who is living in an apartment located inside United Lutheran Church. Our partnership with United Lutheran has been to take turns providing fresh foods every other week to supplement items the family has obtained from local food…

Donut Day

This year’s Donut Day Fundraiser will be held on June 22 at Pilgrim Congregational Church. Come support Fair Oaks’ mission trip and enjoy delicious donuts! If you are a participant on the mission trip you, are required to volunteer or find a replacement volunteer who is not already going on the trip

FOPC 100!

March 2024-2025 marks 100 years of our Fair Oaks faith community in Oak Park. Inspired by how Lent prepares our hearts for Easter, we are beginning a “soft start” centennial planning phase from now until August to prepare for our 100th year celebration of Fair Oaks centennial, which will officially LAUNCH on Rally Day in September and last for the full church program year (Sept-May). We will culminate with a special celebration weekend on May 3-4, 2025. 

It’s a wrap!

We had a great 2023-2024 LOGOS season! Thank you to all our staff, volunteers, and families that made Wednesday nights a beautiful time of learning and fun. Our weekly LOGOS program will resume in September.
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