LOGOS Ministry

LOGOS Ministry

LOGOS meets Wednesday afternoons and evenings during the school year, from late September to mid-March. If you or someone you know has been looking to be a part of the “village” it takes to raise a child, we are happy to welcome more children and youth into the program.  All are welcome! Church membership is not required.

LOGOS participants take part in Bible study, recreation, a family-style meal, and worship arts (singing, handbell ringing, liturgy preparation and more).

LOGOS is an intentional time for kids in grades 1-12 to come together to learn about God and to experience activities that grow the intergenerational relationships that form a child’s “village.” At LOGOS children and adult volunteers alike are supported in faith development as they practice the LOGOS rule: “Treat everyone as a child of God.”

Please email office@fairoakspres.org for more information. 

What is LOGOS?

LOGOS is a weekly intergenerational experience where adults and children in grades 1 – 12 build relationships with one another and with God.

Logos is Greek for “word” or “wisdom.”

“In the beginning was the Word…and the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” (John l:l-18) The basis for every aspect of LOGOS is God’s love for us – enabling us to love and care for one another.

The LOGOS Ministry is the theology and practice of Christian relationships in a disciplined, midweek, four-part format that creates an ideal setting for Christian nurture. Through participation in each Wednesday’s activities, children and youth from first grade through high school experience God’s unconditional love and have an opportunity to share that love with their peers and adult leaders.

The Four Parts of LOGOS


The goal of Bible Study is to nurture children and youth into intelligent and biblically-informed journeys of faith. Creative, relevant, age-appropriate, and interactive Bible study for each grade level is taught by our co-pastors and other dedicated, prepared teachers. We use the LOGOS Bible Study curriculum called Faith for Life.


Each person’s own relationship with God is renewed and nurtured in worship. The goal of Worship Arts is to develop responsibility for and practice in worship skills. LOGOS Worship Arts is an arena for challenge, discovery, and nurture of the gifts God has given each of us, in order to find ways to offer them in the community of faith. Fair Oaks is committed to involving young people in all aspects of congregational worship through music, art, and writing and leading liturgy.


Personal relationships need time for adults, children, and youth to delight in fun. The goal of Recreation is to experience great fun at the expense of no one else. Non-competitive play and art projects provide wonderful opportunities to learn respect and cooperation. Even during the seemingly unstructured play time, the LOGOS rule that “You are a child of God, and I will treat you that way” is actively practiced.


The goal of Family Time is to provide a joyous, inter-generational time with the ‘church family’ as we experience being the family of God. A unique sense of the family of God develops as children, youth, and adult volunteer table parents share together each week.

Behavioral Expectations

There is, really, only one rule at LOGOS:

Treat Everyone as a Child of God!